If you have recently watched one of these Training Resource Videos and would like to apply for a course completion certificate, please email stac@surviveandthriveadvocacy.org.
- Trauma and Human Trafficking: What You Need to Know (Part 1)
- Human Trafficking and Immigration: Updates and Trends
- Updates and Going Deeper: U.S. Department of Homeland Security Blue Campaign
- Economic Empowerment and Financial Management for Human Trafficking Survivors
- Human Trafficking Data Collection in Florida and the New BRIGHT Project
- Human Trafficking and Exploitation by Illegal Street Gangs
- Unveiling Modern Trends in Human Trafficking: From Social Media Grooming to Exploiting Vulnerabilities
- Labor Trafficking and Forced Criminality: Understanding the Scope, Trends and Responses
- Human Trafficking and Florida’s Schools
- Human Trafficking and Rural Communities
- Understanding the Link Between Persons with Disabilities and Human Trafficking
- Immigration Issues: Services and Relief for Foreign-born Victims of Human Trafficking
- Human Trafficking and the African American Community: Myths, Realities, and Taking Action
- Florida’s Expungement Laws: Helping Survivors of Human Trafficking
- Labor Trafficking: Trends and Case Studies in Florida
- From Stonewall to Stonewalled: Recognizing and Addressing LGBTQ+ Barriers in Rural and Urban Human Trafficking Service Models
- Building a Human-Centered Community: Empowering Human Trafficking Survivors and Fostering Non-Violence
- When Human Trafficking Comes to Work
- Connecting the Dots: The Links Between Substance Use and Human Trafficking
- Anti-Human Trafficking Work and the Blue Campaign
- Human Trafficking and Disabilities: What We Need to Know
- The Intersection of Human Trafficking and Persons with Disabilities
- Human Trafficking in Indian Country: Understanding, Collaborating, and Responding
- Natural Disasters and Human Trafficking: Preparing and Responding
- Human Trafficking Juvenile Justice: Statewide and Local Responses
- Talking about Human Trafficking: Guidance for Caregivers and Youth
- Human Trafficking & Refugees: Realities and Responses
- Human Trafficking & Immigration: Rights, Remedies, and Responses
- Human Trafficking and Understanding the Dangers of Sextortion
- “A Cup of Justice” Restoring Human Trafficking Survivors through Restitution
- Human Trafficking and Substance Abuse
- Child Labor Trafficking: What We Need to Know
- Human Trafficking and the Law: Labor Trafficking
- Local Workplaces Taking Action to End Human Trafficking
- Supporting Trafficking Survivors: In Collaboration
- Imagine Freedom Events: ¿Qué es Trata de Personas
- Imagine Freedom Events: It Takes a Village
- Imagine Freedom Events: Myths and Realities in the Big Bend
- Imagine Freedom Events: Healthcare and Human Trafficking
- Florida’s Expungement Laws – Helping Survivors of Human Trafficking
- Human Trafficking and Florida Law: Going Deeper
- Follow the Money, Find the Traffickers: Human Trafficking and the Financial Sector
- Human Trafficking and Gangs Webinar
- Human Trafficking Training Related to Internships
- Human Trafficking & Healthcare: A Special Focus on Telemedicine
- Helping Florida Schools Keep Kids Safe from Human Trafficking
- Understanding Human Trafficking Survivor-Centered Approaches
- Danger Warning! Social Media and Sex Trafficking Recruitment
- Human Trafficking: Working with Under-Served Populations
- Collaborating to Keep Kids Safe Across Systems and Across the State: A Focus on Human Trafficking and Florida’s Schools
- Survivor Teachings: A Process of Healing and Hope
- Local Human Trafficking Task Forces and Coalitions: Promises and Pitfalls
- Advocating to End Human Trafficking: Justice, Equality and Economic Security for All
- Human Trafficking Survivors and the Florida Juvenile Justice System
- Human Trafficking: Working with Our Neighbor: Georgia’s Anti-Trafficking Initiatives
- Human Trafficking and the Law: Looking Through a Wider Lens
- 4th Annual Gadsden County Human Trafficking Community Forum
- Fighting Modern Labor and Human Trafficking – ACAMS (Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists) has teamed up with the Liechtenstein Initiative to develop the first of its kind human trafficking certificate. Developed by industry leaders, this free online training aims to raise awareness about the financial footprints left by modern slavery and human trafficking and provides a framework to help mitigate and remedy these risks. Learn more at ACAMS.org
- Imagine Freedom Healthcare and Human Trafficking – Telemedicine has exploded in availability since the onset COVID-19 and, like many innovations from 2020, this one is likely to stay with us. Knowing this, how can today’s world of telemedicine be safe and effective for survivors of human trafficking? What are the issues that healthcare providers need to know when assisting child and adult survivors in person, as well as during telehealth visits? Can providers make sure that confidentiality and safety are maintained, and how can providers build trust and ensure that the healthcare needs of their patients are addressed? What are the providers’ responsibilities regarding children and mandatory reporting? Is insurance available for human trafficking survivors in the ACA/health insurance marketplace? How can service providers, child welfare organizations, and community members support survivors’ physical and mental health needs during the pandemic and afterward? Using both lecture and role play scenarios, these questions and more will be answered during this program. This program will benefit everyone, not only those in healthcare. View the Imagine Freedom Healthcare and Human Trafficking Webinar
- Human Trafficking & Healthcare: A Special Focus on Telemedicine – Telemedicine is accessible now more than ever due to COVID-19 and, like many technology innovations of 2020, this one is here to stay. This program will showcase realistic examples of how providers can recognize human trafficking in the healthcare setting, including telemedicine, and make safe referrals to community service providers. We will cover topics such as confidentiality, safety, building trust to ensure that the healthcare needs of patients are addressed, mandatory reporting, child welfare organizations, and how community members can support survivors’ physical and mental health needs during the pandemic and beyond. This program will benefit everyone, not just those in healthcare. View the Human Trafficking & Healthcare Training Webinar
- Prevent Human Trafficking of Children – The Institute, along with the Florida Center for Interactive Media, developed a training focused on the trafficking of children and youth. The Prevent Human Trafficking training course is 1-hour long and educates learners on basic information on child trafficking, including relevant terminology, the difference between sex and labor trafficking of children, how to identify children at risk of human trafficking, and steps that should be taken to prevent at-risk youth from becoming victims. All learners will receive a certificate at the end of training. Take the 1-Hour Online Training
STAC needs your support to sustain these important webinars. Will you donate today? Each gift helps to bring this vital information to the many people who are empowering survivors and preventing human trafficking. The only way we can maintain these programs and this work is with YOUR help.
Suggested donation: $20